Available variables¶
the main sync-and-share component ...
Variable | Description | Value |
SEAFILE__quota__default | Global default quota for all users in Gigabyte. | 2 |
SEAFILE__quota__library_file_limit | Maximum number of files allowed in a library. If limit is reached, it is not possible to upload more files. | "" |
SEAFILE__history__keep_days | Days of history to keep. This is a default limit for all libraries. | "" |
SEAFILE__library_trash__expire_days | After how many days automatic cleanup of library trashes should happen. | "30" |
SEAFILE__memcached__memcached_options | Connection (pool) settings for memcached. | "--SERVER=localhost --POOL-MIN=10 --POOL-MAX=100" |
SEAFILE__redis__redis_host | Redis host in case you want to use redis instead of memcached (which is the default). | "" |
SEAFILE__redis__redis_port | Redis port. | "6379" |
SEAFILE__redis__max_connections | Size of connection pool for Redis. | "100" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__host | Bind address of the fileserver. | "" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__port | TCP port used by the fileserver. | "8082" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__worker_threads | Number of worker threads used by the fileserver. | "10" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__max_upload_size | Maximum upload file size in MB. There's no limit by default. | "" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__max_download_dir_size | Maximum download directory size in MB. The default is 100 MB. | "100" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__max_indexing_threads | Number of threads to use for indexing. | "1" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__fixed_block_size | Uploaded files are divided into fixed size blocks. This setting determines the block size. The default is 8 MB. | "8" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__web_token_expire_time | Expiration time (in seconds) of tokens used for uploading files via the web interface. | "3600" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__http_temp_file_ttl | After how much time a temp file will be removed. The unit is in seconds. Defaults to 3 days. | "259200" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__http_temp_scan_interval | File scan interval. The unit is in seconds. Defaults to 1 hour. | "3600" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__max_sync_file_count | Maximum number of files contained in a library that can be synced by the Seafile client. | "100000" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__fs_id_list_request_timeout | Timeout for fetching fs id list (in seconds). Defaults to 5 minutes. | "300" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__use_block_cache | Whether to enable block caching. | "false" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__block_cache_size_limit | Size limit of the cache (in MB). Defaults to 10GB. | "10000" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__block_cache_file_types | File types to be cached in block cache. | "mp4;mov" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__skip_block_hash | Use a random string as block ID instead of calculating the block ID based on the block contents. | "false" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__file_ext_white_list | Limit which file types can be uploaded (e.g. "md;mp4;mov" ). | "" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__upload_limit | Upload limit in KB/s. | "" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__download_limit | Download limit in KB/s. | "" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__check_virus_on_web_upload | Automatically check uploaded files for viruses. | "false" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__enable_access_log | Whether to enable the fileserver access log. | "false" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__use_go_fileserver | Whether to enable the new Go fileserver. | "true" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__fs_cache_limit | Limit for the in-memory cache (in MB). Defaults to 2GB. | "2000" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__enable_profiling | Whether to enable profiling for the Go fileserver. | "false" |
SEAFILE__fileserver__profile_password | Password required to access the profiles. | "" |
SEAFILE__zip__windows_encoding | Encoding used for ZIP archives. | "" |
SEAFILE__database__type | Which database engine to use. | "mysql" |
SEAFILE__database__host | Database host. | "mariadb" |
SEAFILE__database__user | Database user. | "root" |
SEAFILE__database__password | Database password. | "" |
SEAFILE__database__db_name | Database name. | "seafile_db" |
SEAFILE__database__connection_charset | Which character set to use. | "utf8" |
SEAFILE__database__max_connections | Size of the connection pool. | "100" |
SEAFILE__database__use_ssl | Whether to use SSL to encrypt database connections. | "false" |
SEAFILE__database__skip_verify | Whether to skip SSL certificate verification. | "" |
SEAFILE__database__ca_path | Path to CA. | "" |
SEAFILE__file_lock__default_expire_hours | When to automatically expire file locks (in hours). Defaults to 12 hours. | "12" |
SEAFILE__file_lock__use_locked_file_cache | Enable cache for getting locked files. This reduces the server load. | "false" |
SEAFILE__cluster__enabled | Should be enabled if Seafile is deployed in a cluster. | "false" |
SEAFILE__slow_log__enable_slow_log | Whether to enable seaf-server's RPC slow log to do performance analysis. | "true" |
SEAFILE__slow_log__rpc_slow_threshold | RPC queries taking longer than this setting (in milliseconds) will be logged. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds. | "5000" |
SEAFILE__notification__enabled | Whether to enable the notification server. | "true" |
SEAFILE__notification__host | Host of the notification server. | "" |
SEAFILE__notification__port | Port used by the notification server. | "8083" |
SEAFILE__notification__log_level | Log level of the notification server. | "info" |
SEAFILE__notification__jwt_private_key | Private key used to sign JWTs created by the notification server. | "" |
CCNET__Database__ENGINE | Database engine used by ccnet. | "mysql" |
CCNET__Database__HOST | Database host used by ccnet. | "mariadb" |
CCNET__Database__MAX_CONNECTIONS | Size of MySQL connection pool. | 100 |
CCNET__Database__USE_SSL | Whether to encrypt database connections. | false |
CCNET__Database__SKIP_VERIFY | Whether to skip SSL certificate verification. | |
CCNET__Database__CA_PATH | Path to CA. | |
CCNET__GROUP__TABLE_NAME | Alternative table name for "Group" table in case it conflicts with database keywords. |
The webinterface of seafile...
Variable | Description | Value |
SEAHUB__CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE | Whether to use a secure cookie for the CSRF cookie. | "True" |
SEAHUB__CSRF_COOKIE_SAMESITE | The value of the SameSite flag on the CSRF cookie. | "Strict" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SIGNUP | Whether to allow users to register an account. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION | Activate or deactivate user when registration is complete. If set to False , new users need to be activated by admin in the admin panel. | "False" |
SEAHUB__SEND_EMAIL_ON_ADDING_SYSTEM_MEMBER | Whether to send an email when a system admin adds a new member. | "True" |
SEAHUB__SEND_EMAIL_ON_RESETTING_USER_PASSWD | Whether to send an email when a system admin resets a user's password. | "True" |
SEAHUB__NOTIFY_ADMIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION | Send system admin notify email when user registration is complete. | "True" |
SEAHUB__LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS | Remember days for login. | "7" |
SEAHUB__LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT | Attempt limit before showing a captcha when logging in. | "3" |
SEAHUB__FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED | Deactivate user account when login attempts exceed the limit. | "False" |
SEAHUB__USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH | Minimum length for user's password. | "6" |
SEAHUB__USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL | LEVEL based on four types of input: num, upper letter, lower letter, other symbols. '3' means password must have at least 3 types of the above. | "3" |
SEAHUB__USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED | When True , check password strength level; only STRONG (or above) is allowed. | "False" |
SEAHUB__FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE | Force user to change password when admin adds/resets a user. | "True" |
SEAHUB__SESSION_COOKIE_AGE | Age of cookie, in seconds (default: 2 weeks). | "1209600" |
SEAHUB__SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE | Whether a user's session cookie expires when the Web browser is closed. | "False" |
SEAHUB__SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST | Whether to save the session data on every request. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_WIKI | Whether to enable the "published library" feature. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_WEBDAV_SECRET | Enable the feature to allow users to specify a password for WebDAV login. | "True" |
SEAHUB__WEBDAV_SECRET_MIN_LENGTH | Minimum length for WebDAV secret. | "8" |
SEAHUB__WEBDAV_SECRET_STRENGTH_LEVEL | LEVEL for WebDAV secret, based on four types of input: num, upper letter, lower letter, other symbols. '1' means password must have at least 1 type of the above. | "1" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_FORCE_2FA_TO_ALL_USERS | Force all users to log in with two-factor authentication. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_REPO_SNAPSHOT_LABEL | Turn on this option to let users add a label to a library snapshot. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY | Enable creation of encrypted libraries. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY_VERSION | Version for encrypted library. Should only be 2 or 4 . Version 3 is insecure (using AES128 encryption) and is not recommended anymore. | "2" |
SEAHUB__REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH | Minimum length for the password of an encrypted library. | "8" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_FORCE_USE_PASSWORD | Force use of a password when generating a share/upload link. | "False" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH | Minimum length for the password of a share link. | "8" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL | Level for the password of a share/upload link, based on four types of input: num, upper letter, lower letter, other symbols. '3' means the password must have at least 3 types of the above. | "3" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_DEFAULT | Default expiration days for a share link. Once this value is configured, the user can no longer generate a share link with no expiration time. If not set, this value will be used. | "5" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MIN | Minimum expiration days for a share link. | "3" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MAX | Maximum expiration days for a share link. | "8" |
SEAHUB__UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_DEFAULT | Default expiration days for an upload link. Once this value is configured, the user can no longer generate an upload link with no expiration time. If not set, this value will be used. | "5" |
SEAHUB__UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MIN | Minimum expiration days for an upload link. | "3" |
SEAHUB__UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MAX | Maximum expiration days for an upload link. | "8" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_LOGIN_REQUIRED | Force user login when viewing a file/folder share link. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_WATERMARK | Enable watermark when viewing (not editing) a file in a web browser. | "True" |
SEAHUB__DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER | Disable sync with any folder. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING | Enable or disable library history settings. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO | Enable or disable normal users from creating organization libraries. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS | Enable or disable user sharing of libraries with any group. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_USER_CLEAN_TRASH | Enable or disable users to clean trash. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SHARE_LINK_REPORT_ABUSE | Add a report abuse button on download links. Users can report abuse on the share link page. | "True" |
SEAHUB__FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE | Online preview maximum file size, defaults to 30M. | "31457280" |
SEAHUB__TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT | Extensions of previewed text files. | "ac, am, bat, c, cc, cmake, cpp, cs, css, diff, el, h, html, htm, java, js, json, less, make, org, php, pl, properties, py, rb, scala, script, sh, sql, txt, text, tex, vi, vim, xhtml, xml, log, csv, groovy, rst, patch, go" |
SEAHUB__THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE_LIMIT | Seafile only generates thumbnails for images smaller than the following size. | "30" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_VIDEO_THUMBNAIL | Enable or disable thumbnail for video. ffmpeg and moviepy should be installed first. | "False" |
SEAHUB__THUMBNAIL_VIDEO_FRAME_TIME | Use the frame at 5 second as thumbnail | "5" |
SEAHUB__THUMBNAIL_ROOT | Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold thumbnail files. | "" |
SEAHUB__THUMBNAIL_SIZE_FOR_ORIGINAL | Default size for picture preview. Enlarge this size can improve the preview quality. | "1024" |
SEAHUB__CLOUD_MODE | Enable cloud mode and hide Organization tab. | "" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_GLOBAL_ADDRESSBOOK | Disable global address book | "" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_ADFS_LOGIN | Enable authentication with ADFS | "False" |
SEAHUB__DISABLE_ADFS_USER_PWD_LOGIN | Force user login through ADFS instead of email and password | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_KRB5_LOGIN | Enable authentication with Kerberos | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN | Enable authentication with Shibboleth | "False" |
SEAHUB__CLIENT_SSO_VIA_LOCAL_BROWSER | Enable client to open an external browser for single sign on. When it is false, the old built-in browser is opened for single sign on. When it is true, the default browser of the operating system is opened. The benefit of using system browser is that it can support hardware 2FA. | "False" |
SEAHUB__SERVICE_URL | This is outside URL for Seahub(Seafile Web). The domain part (i.e., www.example.com) will be used in generating share links and download/upload file via web. | "" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SETTINGS_VIA_WEB | Disable settings via Web interface in system admin->settings | "True" |
SEAHUB__TIME_ZONE | Choices can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name. If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your system time zone. | "UTC" |
SEAHUB__LANGUAGE_CODE | Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html. Default language for sending emails. | "en" |
SEAHUB__SITE_NAME | Set this to your website/company's name. This is contained in email notifications and welcome message when user login for the first time. | "Seafile" |
SEAHUB__SITE_TITLE | Browser tab's title | "Private Seafile" |
SEAHUB__SITE_ROOT | If you don't want to run seahub website on your site's root path, set this option to your preferred path. | "/" |
SEAHUB__MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_FOR_FILEUPLOAD | Max number of files when user upload file/folder | "500" |
SEAHUB__SHARE_LINK_EMAIL_LANGUAGE | Control the language that send email. Default to user's current language. | "" |
SEAHUB__UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_INTERVAL | Interval for browser requests unread notifications | "180" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_DELETE_ACCOUNT | Whether to allow user to delete account, change login password or update basic user info on profile page. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_UPDATE_USER_INFO | Whether to allow user to delete account, change login password or update basic user info on profile page. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD | Enable a user to change password in 'settings' page. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_GET_AUTH_TOKEN_BY_SESSION | Get web api auth token on profile page. | "True" |
SEAHUB__LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL | Url redirected to after user logout Seafile. Usually configured as Single Logout url. | "" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS | Enable system admin add T&C, all users need to accept terms before using. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH | Enable two factor authentication for accounts. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SHOW_CONTACT_EMAIL_WHEN_SEARCH_USER | Whether to show contact emails when searching for users. | "True" |
SEAHUB__SHOW_TRAFFIC | Whether to show the used traffic in user's profile popup dialog. | "True" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SYS_ADMIN_VIEW_REPO | Allow administrator to view user's file in UNENCRYPTED libraries through Libraries page in System Admin. | "False" |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_SHARE_LINK_AUDIT | For unauthenticated users, providing an email before downloading or uploading on shared link page. | "True" |
ENABLE_UPLOAD_LINK_VIRUS_CHECK | Whether to check uploaded files that were uploaded using upload links for viruses. Defaults to "False". | "False" |
SEAHUB__EMAIL_USE_TLS | Whether to use TLS for the email server connection. | "False" |
SEAHUB__EMAIL_HOST | SMTP server host address. | "'smtp.example.com'" |
SEAHUB__EMAIL_HOST_USER | Username and domain for the SMTP server. | "'username@example.com'" |
SEAHUB__EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | Password for the SMTP server. | "'password'" |
SEAHUB__EMAIL_PORT | Port used for connecting to the SMTP server. | "25" |
SEAHUB__DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL | Default from email address, typically set to the email host user. | "SEAHUB__EMAIL_HOST_USER " |
SEAHUB__SERVER_EMAIL | Email address used for server-originated emails, typically set to the email host user. | "SEAHUB__EMAIL_HOST_USER " |
SEAHUB__ENABLE_GUEST_INVITATION | Allow users to invite other uses by their email. | "False" |
Settings for the WebDAV extension:
Variable | Description | Value |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__enabled | Whether the WebDAV extension is enabled. | "false" |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__port | Port for WebDAV server. | "8080" |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__debug | Whether to enable debug mode. | |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__share_name | Name of the WebDAV share. | "/seafdav" |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__workers | How many worker processes to use. Maps to Gunicorn's "workers" setting. | "5" |
SEAFDAV__WEBDAV__timeout | Maps to Gunicorn's "timeout" setting. Set to "1200" by default to support large file uploads. | "1200" |
Background tasks and ...
Variable | Description | Value |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__type | Deprecated. Only mysql is allowed. sqlite is no longer supported. | "mysql" |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__host | IP or URL of the mysql server. | "mariadb" |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__port | Port used for the sql connection. | 3306 |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__username | Database username. | "root" |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__password | Database password | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__DATABASE__name | Database name. | "seahub_db" |
SEAFEVENTS__STATISTICS__enabled | Enable statics tracking for seafile server. | "true" |
SEAFEVENTS__SEAHUB0x20EMAIL__enabled | Enable email notifications when there are new or unread notifications for the user. Requires a configured SMTP_SERVER. | "true" |
SEAFEVENTS__SEAHUB0x20EMAIL__interval | Define the interval of sending notification emails. Can be s(seconds), m(minutes), h(hours), d(days) | "30m" |
SEAFEVENTS__FILE0x20HISTORY__enabled | Enable file history tracking in the database for some specific file types for faster access | "true" |
SEAFEVENTS__FILE0x20HISTORY__threshold | Threshold time for merging historical versions in minutes. | 5 |
SEAFEVENTS__FILE0x20HISTORY__suffix | Define file types for file history feature as a comma-separated list. | "md,txt,ppt,pptx,doc,docx,xls,xlsx" |
SEAFEVENTS__AUDIT__enabled | Whether to enable audit log. | "false" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__enabled | Whether to enable file indexing. | "true" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__interval | The interval at which the search index is updated. Can be s(seconds), m(minutes), h(hours), d(days). | "10m" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__highlight | Which highlighter to use. | "fvh" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__index_office_pdf | Whether to index office/pdf files. | "false" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__office_file_size_limit | The default size limit (in MB) for doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx and pdf files. Files larger than this will not be indexed. | "10" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__username | Elasticsearch username. | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__password | Elasticsearch password. | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__scheme | Scheme to use when connecting to the elasticsearch instance. | "http" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__cafile | Path to CA for elasticsearch authentication. | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__repo_status_index_name | Index name for repository status. | "repo_head" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__repo_files_index_name | Index name for repository files. | "repofiles" |
SEAFEVENTS__INDEX0x20FILES__loglevel | Log level. | "warning" |
SEAFEVENTS__EVENTS0x20PUBLISH__enabled | Whether to publish event messages. | "false" |
SEAFEVENTS__EVENTS0x20PUBLISH__mq_type | Which message queue to use. | "redis" |
SEAFEVENTS__REDIS__server | Redis server. | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__REDIS__port | Redis port. | "6379" |
SEAFEVENTS__REDIS__password | Redis password. | "" |
SEAFEVENTS__AUTO0x20DELETION__enabled | Whether users can use the file auto deletion feature. | "false" |
SEAFEVENTS__AUTO0x20DELETION__interval | Interval for auto deletion job (in seconds). Defaults to 1 day. | "86400" |